Type Classes

Felix has Haskell style type classes which are used to provide a consistent notational system.

Class definition

A class is defined like this:

class Eq[t] {
  virtual fun == : t * t -> bool;
  virtual fun != (x:t,y:t):bool => not (x == y);

  axiom reflex(x:t): x == x;
  axiom sym(x:t, y:t): (x == y) == (y == x);
  axiom trans(x:t, y:t, z:t): x == y and y == z implies x == z;

  fun eq(x:t, y:t)=> x == y;
  fun ne(x:t, y:t)=> x != y;
  fun \ne(x:t, y:t)=> x != y;
  fun \neq(x:t, y:t)=> x != y;

This class defines the notion of an equivalence relation for some as yet unspecified type t. It does this by defining two virtual functions, == and != which can be overridden in instance specifications for particular types.

The == function is pure virtual and must be defined in an instance for the other functions to work. On the other hand the != function may be overridden, but if it is not the specified default will be used.

The non-virtual functions eq, ne, \ne, \neq cannot be overridden and are defined in terms of the virtuals.

This class also specifies axioms which are used to partly define the required semantics.

Instance definition

An instance of our class can be specified like this:

instance Eq[int] {
  fun == : int * int -> bool = "$1==$2";

Here, we have defined equality for type int and this also effects the definition of the functions !=, eq, ne, \ne, \neq as well.


The functions in a class may be refered to by qualified name lookup:

println$ Eq::== (1,2);
println$ Eq::eq (1,2);

Alternatively, you can pass the class dictionary in to a function or procedure like this:

fun eq3[T with Eq[T]] (a:T, b:T, c:T) => a == b and b == c;
println$ eq3 (42, 42, 42);

The print statement will work because the functions in the Eq class are in scope inside the eq3 function, and there is an instance for type int.

Another way to make the class methods available is to open the class:

open Eq[int];
println$ 42 == 42 and 42 == 42;

Here the class was opened only for type int.


Use of class methods is handled in two phases. In the first phase the methods are chosen by the normal overload resolution process based on access to the class, and completely ignoring whether or not appropriate instances are available.

The second phase occurs during monomorphisation, when references to virtual functions are replaced by their overloads from the most specialised instance. An error diagnostic will be printed and the compilation terminated if no such instance exists.

Virtual types

A class may also specify a virtual type. This is an existential type which is dependent on the class type parameters in way which cannot be specified by a formula. Instead, the type is specified in each instance. Type parameters are deduced from applications to select a class virtual function, a virtual type is used in the result:

class Add[T1, T2] {
   virtual type U;
   virtual fun promote: T1 * T1-> U;

instance Add[int, long] {
   typedef U = long;
   fun add(x:int,y:long):long = "$1+$2";

Since a virtual type is only known at monomorphisation type a value of that type can only be used in the argument of a function which is parametrically polymorphic or a virtual class method.