Compact Linear Types

Variadic Positional Number Systems

Let \(a\) be any non-negative number and let \(d\) be any positive number, then there are unique values \(q\) and \(r\) such that

\[a = r + qd + {\rm\ \ such\ that\ } q\ge0 {\rm\ and\ } r < d\]

We define integer division:

\[a \operatorname{div} d = q\]

and remainder

\[a \operatorname{rmd} d = r\]

Note that in C, a/b where the dividend and quotient are integral is integer division and a%b is the remainder.


\[c_0, c_1, ..., c_{n-1}\]

be finite sequence of positive integers called radices, and let

\[v_0, v_1, ..., v_{n-1}\]

be a sequence of non-negative integers called coefficients such that

\[v_i < c_i\ {\rm\ \ for\ } i \in 0..n-1\]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}z_0 &= 1\\z_i &= c_iz_{i-1}=\sum_{j=0}^{i-1}c_j {\rm\ \ for\ } i \in 1..n-1\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

so that \(z_i\) is the product of all the \(c_j\) for \(j<i\); these quantites are called weights.


\[a = \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} v_iz_i\]

Then the total number of values \(a\) could take is \(z_{n-1}\) and the maximum is therefore \(z_{n-1}-1\).

This is known as a variadic positional number system. For any number in the range 0 to the maximum, the coefficients \(v_i\) are uniquely determined and there is a bijection between the integer values and the sequence of coefficients.

Given a value \(a\) we would like to be able to calculate the value \(v_i\) for a given \(i\). Let us first rewrite the formula for \(a\) like this:

\[\begin{split}a &= \sum_{j=0}^{i-1} v_jz_j + v_iz_i + \sum_{k=i+1}^{n-1} v_kz_k\\ &= \underbrace{(\sum_{j=0}^{i-1} v_jz_j)}_r + \underbrace{(v_i + \sum_{k=i+1}^{n-1} v_k(z_k/z_i))}_q\underbrace{\strut z_i}_d\end{split}\]

We note that this is of the required quotient and remainder form since the left term is clearly less than \(z_i\), and, since \(z_i\) divides z_k exactly for \(k\ge i\), so we can find

\[q = a \operatorname{div} z_i = v_i + \sum_{k=i+1}^{n-1} v_k(z_k/z_i)\]

But now we can rewrite that term as well:

\[\begin{split}q &= v_i + (\sum_{k=i+1}^{n-1} v_k(z_k/(z_ic_i)))c_i\\ &= v_i + (\sum_{k=i+1}^{n-1} v_k(z_k/z_{i+1}))c_i\end{split}\]

Again it is true by specification that \(v_i < c_i\) and \(z_{i+1}\) divides \(z_k\) exactly for \(k\ge i+1\) which is the lowest index of the sum, therefore since the equation has the required quotient and remainder form:

\[v_i = (a \operatorname{div} z_i) \operatorname{rmd} c_i\]

or in C:

vi = a / zi % ci

We remark that for powers of radicies which are powers of 2, the above formula reduces to a right shift followed by mask.

We are not finished though. Let us assume that \(v_i\) itself is suitably encoding a positional form using radices

\[c_0', c_1', ..., c_{m-1}'\]

with coefficents

\[v_0', v_1', ..., v_{m-1'}\]

so that again with

\[z_h' = \prod_{q=0}^{h-1}c_q'\]

we have

\[v_j = \sum_{h=0}^{m-1} v_h'z_h'\]

and we want to find the \(v_g'\). Obviously we can just do this:

vg' = (a / zi % ci) / zg' % cg'

by using the same formula recursively. However that formula is not good because it uses 4 constants. Can we do it with just two, calculated from the four?

The method is simple: we just expand the series substituting the \(vj'\) in, the using the distributive and associative laws multiply the inner terms by \(z_g\) and we can see we just have a new positional number system. The working out is left as an exercise. The result is we can use this formula:

vg' = (a / zi * zg') % cg'

Compact Linear Types

You may wonder why we did the above calculations! In Felix, we define a compact linear type inductively as:

  • unit
  • any product of compact linear types
  • any sum of compact linear types

Felix has special notation for sums of units. Unit can also be written as type 1. A sum of n units can be written as n:

unit = 1
2 = 1 + 1 // aka bool
3 = 1 + 1 + 1

These types are called unitsums because they’re sums of units. Using the decimal representation is more convenient that the 1-ary representation. The type 2 is well known, it is called bool.

Values of unitsums are written with a zero origin case number and the type:

`0:1 // ()
`0:2 // false
`1:2 // true
`3:5 // case 3 of 5

Note again the unfortunate fact we use zero-origin case numbers which reads badly in natural language!

We can form products of unit sums:

var x : 3 * 4 * 5 = `1:3,`2:4,`3:5

for example. Now, with some luck, you might see this:

\[\begin{split}c0=3, c1=4, c2=5\\ v0=1, v1=2, v2=5\end{split}\]

and immediately recognize nothing more difficult than a variadic positional number system! In fact this is precisely how Felix represents a compact linear type: as a single machine word holding an integer.

Value Projections

Projections for components of compact linear products use the same syntax as for non-compact products.

typedef p345_t = 3 * 4 * 5;
var x : p345_t = `1:3,`2:4,`3:5;
println$ x.1; // `2:4

var p = proj 1 of (p345_t);
println$ x.p;

You will now understand the C++ representation:

// compact linear type
typedef ::std::uint64_t cl_t;

// projection
struct RTL_EXTERN clprj_t
  cl_t divisor;
  cl_t modulus;
  clprj_t () : divisor(1), modulus(-1) {}
  clprj_t (cl_t d, cl_t m) : divisor (d), modulus (m) {}

// apply projection to value
inline cl_t apply (clprj_t prj, cl_t v) {
  return v / prj.divisor % prj.modulus;

The most important bit, however is this:

// reverse compose projections left \odot right
inline clprj_t rcompose (clprj_t left, clprj_t right) {
  return clprj_t (left.divisor * right.divisor, right.modulus);

Composing projections is how we get at components of nested tuples. Its most important that the composite of two projections is a projection, and the representation above satisfies that condition.


As you know by now, by combining pointers with projection functions, we obtain a purely functional, referentially transparent mechanism for address calculations.

So you may wonder how we can get a pointer into a compact linear product since the value hidden is inside an integer and is not addressable.

The answer is seen by the C++ representation again:

struct RTL_EXTERN clptr_t
  cl_t *p;
  cl_t divisor;
  cl_t modulus;
  clptr_t () : p(0), divisor(1),modulus(-1) {}
  clptr_t (cl_t *_p, cl_t d, cl_t m) : p(_p), divisor(d),modulus(m) {}

  // upgrade from ordinary pointer
  clptr_t (cl_t *_p, cl_t siz) : p (_p), divisor(1), modulus(siz) {}

As you can see, a compact linear pointer uses three machine words. The first word p is just a pointer to the whole containing location, which is a machine word. But we also store a divisor and modulus value, which identifies how to find the component.

Here’s how we get a value using the pointer:

// dereference
inline cl_t deref(clptr_t q) { return *q.p / q.divisor % q.modulus; }

To apply a projection to a pointer:

// apply projection to pointer
inline clptr_t applyprj (clptr_t cp, clprj_t d)  {
  return  clptr_t (cp.p, d.divisor * cp.divisor, d.modulus);

And more complicated to store a value in a component:

// storeat
inline void storeat (clptr_t q, cl_t v) {
    *q.p = *q.p - (*q.p / q.divisor % q.modulus) * q.divisor + v * q.divisor;
    //*q.p -= ((*q.p / q.divisor % q.modulus) - v) * q.divisor; //???

Here’s an example in Felix, which translates to code using the C++ above (which is part of the Felix RTL):

var x = true,false,true;
var px = &x;     // ordinary pointer
var p1 = px . 1; // compact linear pointer
p1 <- true;      // store 1 bit
println$ x;      // true, true, true
println$ *p1;    // true

var prj = proj 1 of (&(2^3));
p1 = &x. prj;
p1 <- false;
println$ x;      // true, false, true
println$ *p1;    // false

Compact linear pointers have read-only and write-only variants too, which are supertypes of the read-write pointer, the same as for ordinary pointers.

Sum Types

The representation of sums is simple. Consider a sum

typedef s567 = 5 + 6 + 7;

We will be dealing with values of this type of the form:

(case 1 of s567) `3:6

The left term is an injection function which selects the second case (remember case numbers are zero origin) and encodes into the sum type a value of the second case type, which is 6.

Whatever the encoding is, we have to be able to extract the case number and the value, the value is called the argument because it is the argument of the injection function.

We will calculate how to do the encoding based on how we are going to do the decoding. What we will do is assign successive integer ranges to the cases:

case 0: 0..4    // size = 4 + 1 - 0 = 5
case 1: 5..10   // size = 10 + 1 - 5 = 6
case 2: 11..17  // size = 17 + 1 - 11 = 7

To encode a value, we just add the injection argument to the minium for that case.

The decode must reverse this process:

if v < 5 then case 0, value v
elif v  < 11 then case 1 value v - 5
elif v < 18 then case 2, value v - 11

The minimum value of a case is the sum of all the previous cases, or 0 if there aren’t any. The maximum is just the mimimum plus the case size minus 1. The comparator in the chain above is the minimum of the next case, the last test is not required since it is the only remaining altenative.

The fastest way to perform the encoding is to take the sequence of types, considered as integers, and calculate an array of sums of all the previous values. The sum of previous values is called the offset of the case. The encoding then is just the sum of the value plus the offset of the case.

The decoding, unforunately, requires a loop, however we can reduce the number of calculations by repeated subtractions of successive bases. We start with the value to decode, setting the case number to 0. If the value is less than the base, we return the case number and use the value as the argument. Otherwise we increment the case number and subtract the size of the current base which is found from a lookup table, then repeat.

It is instructive to consider that the representation of a unit sum is simply the case number. There is only one possible argument, which is always 0.

In Felix, there are two closely related terms. The general term is an injection function. However if the injection takes a unit argument, it is a constant function and the result of applying the injection is known, so there is a second term which represents the value of constant injections, so we can elide their application.

The syntax using inj n of type is always an injection function. However the syntax case n of type is identical to the injection term of the injection is not a constant functions, otherwise, it is the value the injection would produce instead.

In particular the notation case 1 of 2 or `1:2 is the value true and not an injection function. It has type 2 whereas inj 1 of 2 has type 1->2.

Pointer type syntax

satom := "_pclt<" stypeexpr "," stypeexpr ">"
satom := "_rpclt<" stypeexpr "," stypeexpr ">"
satom := "_wpclt<" stypeexpr "," stypeexpr ">"

A pointer to a compact linear type _pclt<D,C> specifies a pointer to a component type C embedded in a complete compact linear type D, which occupies a machine word. This type is a subtype of the read-only pointer type _rpclt<D,C> and write only pointer type _wpclt<D,C>.