Slist RepresentationΒΆ

// ********************************************************
/// SLIST. singly linked lists: SHARABLE and COPYABLE
/// SLIST manages pointers to memory managed by the collector
// ********************************************************

struct RTL_EXTERN slist_node_t {
  slist_node_t *next;
  void *data;
  slist_node_t(slist_node_t *n, void *d) : next(n), data(d) {}

struct RTL_EXTERN slist_t {
  slist_t(){} // hack
  gc::generic::gc_profile_t *gcp;
  struct slist_node_t *head;

  slist_t (gc::generic::gc_profile_t*); ///< create empty list

  void push(void *data);                ///< push a gc pointer
  void *pop();                          ///< pop a gc pointer
  bool isempty()const;