Tex SytmbolsΒΆ

      // A

  bin := "\amalg"                 // \(\amalg \)
  cmp := "\approx"                // \(\approx \)
  cmp := "\approxeq"              // \(\approxeq \)
  cmp := "\Arrowvert"             // \(\Arrowvert \)
  cmp := "\arrowvert"             // \(\arrowvert \)
  cmp := "\asymp"                 // \(\asymp \)

      // B

  cmp := "\backsim"               // \(\backsim \)
  cmp := "\backsimeq"             // \(\backsimeq \)
  cmp := "\bar"                   // \(\bar \)
  cmp := "\barwedge"              // \(\barwedge \)
  cmp := "\between"               // \(\between \)
  bin := "\bigcap"                // \(\bigcap \)
  bin := "\bigcirc"               // \(\bigcirc \)
  bin := "\bigcup"                // \(\bigcup \)
  bin := "\bigodot"               // \(\bigodot \)
  bin := "\bigoplus"              // \(\bigoplus \)
  bin := "\bigotimes"             // \(\bigotimes \)
  bin := "\bigsqcup"              // \(\bigsqcup \)
  bin := "\bigtriangledown"       // \(\bigtriangledown \)
  bin := "\bigtriangleup"         // \(\bigtriangleup \)
  bin := "\biguplus"              // \(\biguplus \)
  bin := "\bigvee"                // \(\bigvee \)
  bin := "\bigwedge"              // \(\bigwedge \)
  bin := "\bowtie"                // \(\bowtie \)
  bin := "\Box"                   // \(\Box \)
  bin := "\boxdot"                // \(\boxdot \)
  bin := "\boxminus"              // \(\boxminus \)
  bin := "\boxplus"               // \(\boxplus \)
  bin := "\boxtimes"              // \(\boxtimes \)
  cmp := "\Bumpeq"                // \(\Bumpeq \)
  cmp := "\bumpeq"                // \(\bumpeq \)

      // C

  bin := "\Cap"                   // \(\Cap \)
  bin := "\cdot"                  // \(\cdot \)
  bin := "\cdotp"                 // \(\cdotp \)
  cmp := "\circeq"                // \(\circeq \)
  bin := "\circledast"            // \(\circledast \)
  bin := "\circledcirc"           // \(\circledcirc \)
  bin := "\circleddash"           // \(\circleddash \)
  cmp := "\cong"                  // \(\cong \)
  bin := "\coprod"                // \(\coprod \)
  bin := "\Cup"                   // \(\Cup \)
  cmp := "\curlyeqprec"           // \(\curlyeqprec \)
  cmp := "\curlyeqsucc"           // \(\curlyeqsucc \)
  bin := "\curlyvee"              // \(\curlyvee \)
  bin := "\curlywedge"            // \(\curlywedge \)

      // D

  arr := "\dashleftarrow"         // \(\dashleftarrow \)
  arr := "\dashrightarrow"        // \(\dashrightarrow \)
  bin := "\divideontimes"         // \(\divideontimes \)
  cmp := "\doteq"                 // \(\doteq \)
  cmp := "\Doteq"                 // \(\Doteq \)
  cmp := "\doteqdot"              // \(\doteqdot \)
  bin := "\dotplus"               // \(\dotplus \)
  bin := "\doublebarwedge"        // \(\doublebarwedge \)
  bin := "\doublecap"             // \(\doublecap \)
  bin := "\doublecup"             // \(\doublecup \)
  bin := "\Downarrow"             // \(\Downarrow \)
  bin := "\downarrow"             // \(\downarrow \)
  bin := "\downdownarrows"        // \(\downdownarrows \)
  bin := "\downharpoonleft"       // \(\downharpoonleft \)
  bin := "\downharpoonright"      // \(\downharpoonright \)

      // E

  cmp := "\eqcirc"                // \(\eqcirc \)
  cmp := "\eqsim"                 // \(\eqsim \)
  cmp := "\eqslantgtr"            // \(\eqslantgtr \)
  cmp := "\eqslantless"           // \(\eqslantless \)
  cmp := "\equiv"                 // \(\equiv \)

      // F

  bin := "\fallingdotseq"         // \(\fallingdotseq \)

      // G

  cmp := "\geqslant"              // \(\geqslant \)
  arr := "\gets"                  // \(\gets \)
  cmp := "\gg"                    // \(\gg \)
  cmp := "\ggg"                   // \(\ggg \)
  cmp := "\gggtr"                 // \(\gggtr \)
  cmp := "\gnapprox"              // \(\gnapprox \)
  cmp := "\gnsim"                 // \(\gnsim \)
  cmp := "\gtrapprox"             // \(\gtrapprox \)
  cmp := "\gtrdot"                // \(\gtrdot \)
  cmp := "\gtreqless"             // \(\gtreqless \)
  cmp := "\gtreqqless"            // \(\gtreqqless \)
  cmp := "\gtrless"               // \(\gtrless \)
  cmp := "\gtrsim"                // \(\gtrsim \)
  cmp := "\gvertneqq"             // \(\gvertneqq \)

      // H

  arr := "\hookleftarrow"         // \(\hookleftarrow \)
  arr := "\hookrightarrow"        // \(\hookrightarrow \)

      // I

      // J

  bin := "\Join"                  // \(\Join \)

      // K

      // L

  arr := "\leadsto"               // \(\leadsto \)
  arr := "\Leftarrow"             // \(\Leftarrow \)
  arr := "\leftarrow"             // \(\leftarrow \)
  arr := "\leftarrowtail"         // \(\leftarrowtail \)
  arr := "\leftharpoondown"       // \(\leftharpoondown \)
  arr := "\leftharpoonup"         // \(\leftharpoonup \)
  arr := "\leftleftarrows"        // \(\leftleftarrows \)
  arr := "\Leftrightarrow"        // \(\Leftrightarrow \)
  arr := "\leftrightarrow"        // \(\leftrightarrow \)
  cmp := "\leftrightarrows"       // \(\leftrightarrows \)
  cmp := "\leftrightharpoons"     // \(\leftrightharpoons \)
  arr := "\leftrightsquigarrow"   // \(\leftrightsquigarrow \)
  cmp := "\leqslant"              // \(\leqslant \)
  cmp := "\lessapprox"            // \(\lessapprox \)
  cmp := "\lessdot"               // \(\lessdot \)
  cmp := "\lesseqgtr"             // \(\lesseqgtr \)
  cmp := "\lesseqqgtr"            // \(\lesseqqgtr \)
  cmp := "\lessgtr"               // \(\lessgtr \)
  cmp := "\lesssim"               // \(\lesssim \)
  arr := "\Lleftarrow"            // \(\Lleftarrow \)
  cmp := "\lll"                   // \(\lll \)
  cmp := "\llless"                // \(\llless \)
  cmp := "\lnapprox"              // \(\lnapprox \)
  cmp := "\lnot"                  // \(\lnot \)
  cmp := "\lnsim"                 // \(\lnsim \)
  arr := "\Longleftarrow"         // \(\Longleftarrow \)
  arr := "\longleftarrow"         // \(\longleftarrow \)
  arr := "\Longleftrightarrow"    // \(\Longleftrightarrow \)
  arr := "\longleftrightarrow"    // \(\longleftrightarrow \)
  arr := "\longmapsto"            // \(\longmapsto \)
  arr := "\Longrightarrow"        // \(\Longrightarrow \)
  arr := "\longrightarrow"        // \(\longrightarrow \)
  cmp := "\ltimes"                // \(\ltimes \)
  cmp := "\lvertneqq"             // \(\lvertneqq \)

// M

  arr := "\mapsto"                // \(\mapsto \)

// N

  cmp := "\ncong"                 // \(\ncong \)
  cmp := "\ngeqslant"             // \(\ngeqslant \)
  cmp := "\ni"                    // \(\ni \)
  cmp := "\nleqslant"             // \(\nleqslant \)
  cmp := "\nparallel"             // \(\nparallel \)
  cmp := "\nprec"                 // \(\nprec \)
  cmp := "\npreceq"               // \(\npreceq \)
  cmp := "\nsim"                  // \(\nsim \)
  cmp := "\nsucc"                 // \(\nsucc \)
  cmp := "\nsucceq"               // \(\nsucceq \)
  cmp := "\ntriangleleft"         // \(\ntriangleleft \)
  cmp := "\ntrianglelefteq"       // \(\ntrianglelefteq \)
  cmp := "\ntriangleright"        // \(\ntriangleright \)
  cmp := "\ntrianglerighteq"      // \(\ntrianglerighteq \)

// O

  bin := "\odot"                  // \(\odot \)
  bin := "\ominus"                // \(\ominus \)
  bin := "\oplus"                 // \(\oplus \)
  bin := "\oslash"                // \(\oslash \)
  //bin := "\otimes"              // \(\otimes \)

// P

  cmp := "\perp"                  // \(\perp \)
  bin := "\pm"                    // \(\pm \)
  cmp := "\prec"                  // \(\prec \)
  cmp := "\precapprox"            // \(\precapprox \)
  cmp := "\preccurlyeq"           // \(\preccurlyeq \)
  cmp := "\preceq"                // \(\preceq \)
  cmp := "\precnapprox"           // \(\precnapprox \)
  cmp := "\precneqq"              // \(\precneqq \)
  cmp := "\precnsim"              // \(\precnsim \)
  cmp := "\precsim"               // \(\precsim \)
  bin := "\prod"                  // \(\prod \)
  cmp := "\propto"                // \(\propto \)

// Q

// R

  cmp := "\rhd"                   // \(\rhd \)
  arr := "\Rightarrow"            // \(\Rightarrow \)
  arr := "\rightarrow"            // \(\rightarrow \)
  arr := "\rightarrowtail"        // \(\rightarrowtail \)
  arr := "\rightharpoondown"      // \(\rightharpoondown \)
  arr := "\rightharpoonup"        // \(\rightharpoonup \)
  arr := "\rightleftarrows"       // \(\rightleftarrows \)
  arr := "\rightleftharpoons"     // \(\rightleftharpoons \)
  arr := "\rightleftharpoons"     // \(\rightleftharpoons \)
  arr := "\rightrightarrows"      // \(\rightrightarrows \)
  arr := "\rightsquigarrow"       // \(\rightsquigarrow \)
  arr := "\Rrightarrow"           // \(\Rrightarrow \)
  cmp := "\rtimes"                // \(\rtimes \)

// S

  bin := "\setminus"              // \(\setminus \)
  cmp := "\sim"                   // \(\sim \)
  cmp := "\simeq"                 // \(\simeq \)
  cmp := "\smallsetminus"         // \(\smallsetminus \)
  bin := "\sqcap"                 // \(\sqcap \)
  bin := "\sqcup"                 // \(\sqcup \)
  cmp := "\sqsubset"              // \(\sqsubset \)
  cmp := "\sqsubseteq"            // \(\sqsubseteq \)
  cmp := "\sqsupset"              // \(\sqsupset \)
  cmp := "\sqsupseteq"            // \(\sqsupseteq \)
  bin := "\square"                // \(\square \)
  cmp := "\Subset"                // \(\Subset \)
  cmp := "\succ"                  // \(\succ \)
  cmp := "\succapprox"            // \(\succapprox \)
  cmp := "\succcurlyeq"           // \(\succcurlyeq \)
  cmp := "\succeq"                // \(\succeq \)
  cmp := "\succnapprox"           // \(\succnapprox \)
  cmp := "\succneqq"              // \(\succneqq \)
  cmp := "\succnsim"              // \(\succnsim \)
  cmp := "\succsim"               // \(\succsim \)
  cmp := "\Supset"                // \(\Supset \)

// T

  cmp := "\thickapprox"           // \(\thickapprox \)
  cmp := "\thicksim"              // \(\thicksim \)
  bin := "\times"                 // \(\times \)
  arr := "\to"                    // \(\to \)
  bin := "\triangle"              // \(\triangle \)
  bin := "\triangledown"          // \(\triangledown \)
  cmp := "\triangleleft"          // \(\triangleleft \)
  cmp := "\trianglelefteq"        // \(\trianglelefteq \)
  cmp := "\triangleq"             // \(\triangleq \)
  cmp := "\triangleright"         // \(\triangleright \)
  cmp := "\trianglerighteq"       // \(\trianglerighteq \)
  arr := "\twoheadleftarrow"      // \(\twoheadleftarrow \)
  arr := "\twoheadrightarrow"     // \(\twoheadrightarrow \)

// U

  cmp := "\unlhd"                // \(\unlhd \)
  cmp := "\unrhd"                // \(\unrhd \)
  bin := "\Uparrow"              // \(\Uparrow \)
  bin := "\uparrow"              // \(\uparrow \)
  bin := "\Updownarrow"          // \(\Updownarrow \)
  bin := "\updownarrow"          // \(\updownarrow \)
  bin := "\upharpoonleft"        // \(\upharpoonleft \)
  bin := "\upharpoonright"       // \(\upharpoonright \)
  bin := "\uplus"                // \(\uplus \)
  bin := "\upuparrows"           // \(\upuparrows \)

// V

  cmp := "\varsubsetneq"         // \(\varsubsetneq \)
  cmp := "\varsubsetneqq"        // \(\varsubsetneqq \)
  cmp := "\varsupsetneq"         // \(\varsupsetneq \)
  cmp := "\varsupsetneqq"        // \(\varsupsetneqq \)
  cmp := "\veebar"               // \(\veebar \)

// W

// X

  arr := "\xleftarrow"           // \(\xleftarrow \)
  arr := "\xrightarrow"          // \(\xrightarrow \)

// Y

// Z

// The precedences here are a hack: so many operators.
// The general effect is: except for keyword logic connectives,
// these operations are all done AFTER any ASCII art ops
// and, only one is allowed per sub-expression: you must use parens
// if you use more than one. We'll fix this for some key operations later,
// particularly the setwise and logic connectors. However, the comparisons
// are at the right precedence.
// (fact is, I don't know what half the operators are for anyhow .. )

  x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] "\brace" x[>stuple_pri] =># "(Infix)";
  x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] "\brack" x[>stuple_pri] =># "(Infix)";

  x[scomparison_pri]:= x[>scomparison_pri] bin x[>scomparison_pri]
  // set ops (note: no setminus, its a standard binop at the moment ;)
  // note: no \Cap or other variants .. would interfere with chain
  // there's no reason at all to chain these anyhow, they're standard left assoc operators

  // All arrows are right associative .. hmm ..
  x[sarrow_pri] := x[scase_literal_pri] arr x[sarrow_pri]