String Forms


(define (decode-string s)
    (adjust-linecount s)
        (n (string-length s))
            ((prefix? "w'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "W'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "c'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "C'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "u'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "U'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "f'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "F'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "q'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "Q'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "n'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "N'''" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "r'''" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
            ((prefix? "R'''" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
            ((prefix? "'''" s)(unescape (substring s 3 (- n 3))))

            ((prefix? "w\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "W\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "c\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "C\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "u\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "U\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "f\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "F\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "q\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "Q\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "n\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "N\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 4 (- n 3))))
            ((prefix? "r\"\"\"" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
            ((prefix? "R\"\"\"" s)(substring s 4 (- n 3)))
            ((prefix? "\"\"\"" s)(unescape (substring s 3 (- n 3))))

            ((prefix? "w'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "W'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "c'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "C'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "u'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "U'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "f'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "F'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "q'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "Q'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "n'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "N'" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "r'" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
            ((prefix? "R'" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
            ((prefix? "'" s)(unescape (substring s 1 (- n 1))))

            ((prefix? "w\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "W\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "c\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "C\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "u\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "U\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "f\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "F\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "q\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "Q\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "n\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "N\"" s)(unescape (substring s 2 (- n 1))))
            ((prefix? "r\"" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
            ((prefix? "R\"" s)(substring s 2 (- n 1)))
            ((prefix? "\"" s)(unescape (substring s 1 (- n 1))))

            (else error)
      ;;   (newline)(display "string=")(display s)
      ;;   (newline)(display "text=")(display result)

// Scheme string to Felix string literal
(define (strlit s)
    `(ast_literal ,_sr "string" ,s ,(string-append "::std::string(" (c-quote-string s) ")"))

//$ String literals.
//$ Generaly we follow Python here.
//$ Felix allows strings to be delimited by;
//$ single quotes '
//$ double quotes "
//$ triped single quotes '''
//$ tripled double quotes """
//$ The single quote forms must be on a single line.
//$ The triple quoted forms may span lines, and include embedded newline
//$ characters.
//$ These forms all allows embedded escape codes.
//$ These are:
//$  \a  -  7 : bell
//$  \b  -  8 : backspace
//$  \t  -  9 : horizontal tab
//$  \n  - 10 : linefeed, newline
//$  \r  - 13 : carriage return
//$  \v  - 11 : vertical tab
//$  \f  - 12 :form feed
//$  \e  - 27 : escape
//$  \\  - \  : slosh
//$  \"  - "  : double quote
//$  \'  - '  : single quote
//$  \   - 32 : space
//$  \xFF - hexadecimal character code
//$  \o7 \o77 \o777 -- octal character code (stops on count of 3 or non-octal character)
//$  \d9 \d99 \d999 -- decimal character code (stops on count of 3 or non-decimal character)
//$  \uFFFF - utf8 encoding of specified hex value
//$  \UFFFFFFFF - utf8 encoding of specified hex value
//$ A prefix "r" or "R" on a double quoted string
//$ or triple double quoted string suppresses escape processing,
//$ this is called a raw string literal.
//$ NOTE: single quoted string cannot be used!
//$ A prefix "w" or "W" specifies a wide character string,
//$ of character type wchar. DEPRECATED.
//$ A prefix of "u" or "U" specifes a string of uint32.
//$ This is a full Unicode string.
//$ IT WILL BE REPLACED BY C++11 Unicode compliant strings.
//$ A prefix of "c" or "C" specifies a C NTBS (Nul terminated
//$ byte string) be generated instead of a C++ string.
//$ Such a string has type +char rather than string.
//$ A literal prefixed by "q" or "Q" is a Perl interpolation
//$ string. Such strings are actually functions.
//$ Each occurrence of $(varname) in the string is replaced
//$ at run time by the value "str varname". The type of the
//$ variable must provide an overload of "str" which returns
//$ a C++ string for this to work.
//$ A literal prefixed by a "f" or "F" is a C format string.
//$ Such strings are actually functions.
//$ The string contains code such as "%d" or other supported
//$ C format string. Variable field width specifiers "*" are
//$ not permitted. The additional format specification %S
//$ is supported and requires a C++ string argument.
//$ Such functions accept a tuple of values like this:
//$ f"%d-%S" (42, "Hello")
//$ If vsnprintf is available on the local platform it is used
//$ to provide an implementation which cannot overrun.
//$ If it is not, vsprintf is used instead with a 1000 character
//$ buffer.
//$ The argument types and code types are fully checked for type safety.
//$ The special literal with a "n" or "N" prefix is a way to encode
//$ an arbitrary sequence of characters as an identifer in a context
//$ where the parser might interpret it otherwise.
//$ It can be used, for example, to define special characters as functions.
//$ For example:
//$ typedef fun n"@" (T:TYPE) : TYPE => cptr[T];
syntax felix_string_lexer {
  /* Python strings */
  regdef qqq = quote quote quote;
  regdef ddd = dquote dquote dquote;

  regdef escape = slosh _;

  regdef dddnormal = ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white | newline;
  regdef dddspecial = dddnormal | dquote dddnormal | dquote dquote dddnormal;

  regdef qqqnormal = ordinary | hash | dquote | escape | white | newline;
  regdef qqqspecial = qqqnormal | quote qqqnormal | quote quote qqqnormal;

  regdef qstring_tail = (ordinary | hash | dquote | escape | white) * quote;
  regdef dstring_tail = (ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white) * dquote;
  regdef qqqstring_tail = qqqspecial * qqq;
  regdef dddstring_tail = dddspecial * ddd;

  regdef qstring = quote qstring_tail;
  regdef dstring = dquote dstring_tail;
  regdef qqqstring = qqq qqqstring_tail;
  regdef dddstring = ddd dddstring_tail;

  regdef raw_dddnormal = ordinary | hash | quote | slosh | white | newline;
  regdef raw_dddspecial = raw_dddnormal | dquote raw_dddnormal | dquote dquote raw_dddnormal;

  regdef raw_qqqnormal = ordinary | hash | dquote | slosh | space | newline;
  regdef raw_qqqspecial = raw_qqqnormal | quote raw_qqqnormal | quote quote raw_qqqnormal;

  regdef raw = 'r' | 'R';

  regdef raw_dstring_tail =  (ordinary | hash | quote | escape | white) * dquote;
  regdef raw_qqqstring_tail = raw_qqqspecial * qqq;
  regdef raw_dddstring_tail = raw_dddspecial * ddd;

  regdef raw_dstring = raw dquote dstring_tail;
  regdef raw_qqqstring = raw qqq qqqstring_tail;
  regdef raw_dddstring = raw ddd dddstring_tail;

  regdef plain_string_literal = dstring | qqqstring | dddstring;
  regdef raw_string_literal = raw_dstring | raw_qqqstring | raw_dddstring;

  regdef string_literal = plain_string_literal | qstring | raw_string_literal;

  regdef wstring_literal = ('w' | 'W') plain_string_literal;
  regdef ustring_literal = ('u' | 'U') plain_string_literal;
  regdef cstring_literal = ('c' | 'C') plain_string_literal;
  regdef qstring_literal = ('q' | 'Q') plain_string_literal;
  regdef fstring_literal = ('f' | 'F') plain_string_literal;
  regdef nstring_literal = ('n' | 'N') plain_string_literal;

   // String as name.
  literal nstring_literal =># "(decode-string _1)";
  sname := nstring_literal =># "_1";

  // String for pattern or code template.
  regdef sstring = string_literal;
  literal sstring =># "(decode-string _1)";

  // Cstring for code.
  regdef scstring = cstring_literal;
  literal scstring =># "(decode-string _1)";

  // String for string parser.
  regdef strstring = string_literal;
  literal strstring =># "(c-quote-string (decode-string _1))";

  // String like literals.
  regdef String = string_literal;
  literal String =># """
        (ftype "string")
        (iv (decode-string _1))
        (cv (c-quote-string iv))
        (cv (string-append "::std::string(" cv ")"))
      `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
  sliteral := String =># "_1";

  regdef Wstring = wstring_literal;
  literal Wstring =># """
        (ftype "wstring")
        (iv (decode-string _1))
        (cv (c-quote-string iv))
        (cv (string-append "wstring(" cv ")"))
      `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
  sliteral := Wstring =># "_1";

  regdef Ustring = ustring_literal;
  literal Ustring =># """
        (ftype "ustring")
        (iv (decode-string _1))
        (cv (c-quote-string iv))
        (cv (string-append "ustring(" cv ")"))
      `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
  sliteral := Ustring =># "_1";

  regdef Cstring = cstring_literal;
  literal Cstring =>#
        (ftype "cstring")
        (iv (decode-string _1))
        (cv (c-quote-string iv))
      `(ast_literal ,_sr ,ftype ,iv ,cv)
  sliteral := Cstring =># "_1";

  regdef Qstring = qstring_literal;
  literal Qstring =># "`(ast_interpolate ,_sr ,(decode-string _1))";
  sliteral := Qstring =># "_1";

  regdef Fstring = fstring_literal;
  literal Fstring =># "`(ast_vsprintf ,_sr ,(decode-string _1))";
  sliteral := Fstring =># "_1";



Felix provides string like literals with several roles:

  • strings
  • C strings
  • arbitrary identifiers
  • formatting functions
  • interpolation strings

Short Literal

A basic string literal consists of a quote , some text excluding a quote, and a terminating quote, all on one line, or, a double quote , some text excluding a double quote, and a terminating double quote, all on one line. The text consists of UTF-8 encoded Unicode and should not contain any code points below space (0-0x1F). The system does not check the validity of the UTF-8 encoding or code points represented.

String literals have type string in Felix and represented by C++ ::basic_string<char>.

Long Literal

A long literal consist of three quotes ‘’‘, some text which may include the end of a line, does not contain three quotes, and is terminated by three quotes, or, three double quotes “”“, some text excluding three double quotes, which may span multiple lines, terminated by three double quotes. The system does not check the validity of the UTF-8 encoding or code points represented. Long literals are sometimes called triple quoted strings.

Escape Codes

Short and long literals may include escape codes. Although most of the literal text is processed as written, escape codes are translated to other sequences of bytes. An escape code consists of a slosh ‘` character and some following characters.

C Escapes

Numeric Escapes

Numeric escapes start with d, o, or x followed by digits in decimal, octal, or hex radices respectively. Hex letters can be upper or lower case. The escape is terminated by either a non-radix character, or the maximum number allowed digits: 3,3 and 2 respectively.

Unicode Escapes

A unicode escape is u and exactly 4 hex digits or U and exactly 8 hex digits. The hex encoding is translated to an integer and then the escape is replaced by the UTF-8 representation of that code point. Felix uses a full UTF-8 encoding so up to 2^32 values of 1 to 5 bytes may be generated.

Raw Strings

A short or long string literal using double quote delimiters may be prefixed by r or R indicating a raw string, in which escape codes are not recognised. Note the prefix cannot be used for single quoted strings because single quotes are allowed in identifiers.

Raw strings are mainly used for regular expression strings because regular expression encodings contain a lot of special characters, particularly sloshes: without raw strings each slosh would have to be encoded as two sloshes. They’re also useful on Windows where slosh is a path separator.

C strings

A string of type cstring which is represented by an array of characters in C (that is, a pointer to a char) can be created by prefixing a string literal with c.


An identifier can be written as a string prefixed by n. This is useful if an identifier would not be recognised in a certain context. For example:

var var = 1;
n"var" = 2;

Format Functions

A string literal prefixed by f or ‘F is a format function. It uses C printf like codes and is implemented using ::std::vsnprintf. It is first called with a NULL string and 0 length for the buffer to calculate the required buffer size, then the buffer is allocated and the function actually run.

Felix also supports a %S specifier for C++ strings. It is converted to %s and the internal char array of the C++ string used as an argument.

The * format specifier is not supported.

The compiler scans the string to calculate the type of the arguments. The arguments must be presented as a tuple.

println$ f'Hello %S on %d' ("Felix", 42);
Code Type
hhd tiny
hhi tiny
hho utiny
hhx utiny
hhX utiny
hd short
hi short
hu ushort
ho ushort
hx ushort
hX ushort
d int
i int
u uint
o uint
x uint
X uint
ld long
li long
lu ulong
lo ulong
lx ulong
lX ulong
lld vlong
lli vlong
llu uvlong
llo uvlong
llx uvlong
llX uvlong
zd ssize
zi ssize
zu size
zo size
zx size
zX size
jd intmax
ji intmax
ju uintmax
jo uintmax
jx uintmax
jX uintmax
td ptrdiff
ti ptrdiff
tu uptrdiff
to uptrdiff
tx uptrdiff
tX uptrdiff
e double
E double
f double
F double
g double
G double
a double
A double
Le ldouble
LE ldouble
Lf ldouble
LF ldouble
Lg ldouble
LG ldouble
La ldouble
LA ldouble
c int
S string
s &char
p address
P address

Interpolation Strings

A string prefixed by a q or Q is an interpolation string. Such a string may contain $(varname) where varname is a visible variable name. The code is replaced by %S, and a tuple whose components are the application of the str function to the variable is formed and the string, considered now as a format function literal, is applied to it.

var x = 1; var y = 2;
println$ q"$(x) + $(y)";

Constant Folding

Felix compiler concatenates adjacent string literals. So for example you can do this:

var x =
  "To be\n"
  "Or not to be\n"
  "That is the question\n"