
Struct Definitions


stmt := "struct" sdeclname "=" ? "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}"
stmt := "export" "struct" sdeclname "=" ? "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}"
  sstruct_mem_decl := sname ":" stypeexpr ";"
  sstruct_mem_decl := stypeexpr sname ";" // C hack
  sstruct_mem_decl := sfunction


Structs are nominally typed records:

struct X {
  a: int;
  b: int;
var x = X (1,2);

Every struct is equipped with a constructor which is named after the struct, and which accepts a tuple consisting of arguments of the types defined in the struct, in order of writing: these are used to initialise the corresponding fields.

Structs are products like records, so the field names can be used as both value projections and pointer projections:

var a = x.a; // value
var pb = &x.b;

A special syntax is allowed for structs to make it a bit easier to import specifications from C:

struct X {
  int a;
  &long b;

In this form the type goes first, as in C. However note that the type specification is a Felix type, so we have to use &long for a pointer to long rather than long* as in C.

Structs may contain function and procedure definitions:

struct X {
  int x;
  fun get => self.x;
  fun getter () self.x;
  proc set (a:int) { self.x <- a; }

Such definitions are not methods but ordinary functions with an extra mgic argument so the above is equivalent to:

struct X {
  int x;
fun get (self: X) => self.x;
fun getter (self: X) () => self.x;
proc set (self: &X) (a:int) { self.x <- a; }

Note that the argument to a function is a value of the structure type named self. For a procedure, the magic argument is a pointer instead. The magic argument is added automatically so in the original struct definition the function get appears to have no argument.

Because contained functions and procedure have the hidden magic argument, closures can be formed if there are other arguments:

var a = X(1);
var asetter = a.set;
asetter 42;
var agetter = a.getter;
println$ agetter();

Note in the example we cannot make a closure for get since it has only one argument.

Cstruct Definitions


stmt := "cstruct" sdeclname "=" ? "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" srequires_clause ";"

//$ A hack to help with cut and paste from C headers into Felix
stmt := "typedef" "struct" "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" sdeclname srequires_clause ";"

//$ A hack to help with cut and paste from C headers into Felix
stmt := "typedef" "struct" sdeclname "{" sstruct_mem_decl * "}" sdeclname srequires_clause ";"

A cstruct definition is similar to a struct definition, except no C++ code is emitted for the type definition. Instead, a C struct or union of the same name must be defined, typically in a C include file.