

// unit tuple constructor
satom := "(" ")"

//$ Tuple formation non-associative.
x[stuple_pri] := x[>stuple_pri] ( "," x[>stuple_pri])+

//$ Tuple formation by prepend: right associative
x[stuple_cons_pri] := x[>stuple_cons_pri] ",," x[stuple_cons_pri]

//$ Tuple formation by append: left associative
x[stuple_cons_pri] := x[stuple_cons_pri] "<,,>" x[>stuple_cons_pri]

There are four basic constructors.

Unit Tuple

The syntax () specifies a canonical unit tuple, a product with no components.


Tuple of one component

A tuple of one component is identical to that component. The projection for that tuple is the identity function.

Chained comma

A list of expressions separated by commas forms a tuple. The comma operator is said to be a chain operator. The operation is non-associative.

Parentheses may be used to indicate grouping.

(1,"hello"), 42.1
1,("hello", 42.1)

All three of these tuples are disinct.

Prepend operator

The cons form of a tuple uses the right associative binary operator ,, to prepend a value to an existing tuple of at least two components.

var x = "a",,1,,"hello",42,1;
var y = "joy",,x;;

Note that the first case must use a , because the right hand term of the ,, operator must be a tuple. Although () is a tuple, 1,() is equal to 1 and is not.

Append operator

Finally the left associative <,,> operator appends a value to an existing tuple. It is provided for symmetry with ,, but the syntax is arcane.

var x = 1,"hello"<,,>42.4;
var y = x<,,>"bye";

The left term of the append operator must be a tuple with at least two components.

Addition operator

The left associative infix binary addition operator + can also be used to append a value to a tuple. It has the same semantics as the <,,> operator but a different precedence. Its use can be confusing sometimes, as it can be mistaken of integer addition.

var x = "Hello",1;

println$ x + x; // ("Hello", 1, ("Hello", 1))
println$ x + 1; // ("Hello", 1, 1)
println$ 1 + x; // (1, ("Hello", 1))

Extend operation

The extend..with..end operator packs a list of tuples or values into a tuple. The initial values are separated by commas, then a with keyword is used, then the remaining values are given, terminated by the end keyword:

var y = extend (1,2), "hello", (42.2,("bye",99)) with (55,"hh") end;
// (1, 2, hello, 42.2, (bye, 99), 55, hh)

var z = "hello",22;
println$ extend z with 34 end;
// ("hello", 22, 34)

Note that extend is expanded before monomorphisation, so a type variable will be treated as a single value, even if it is later replaced by a pair: had a pair been given both values would be in the result, instead of a single pair.


//$ Tuple type, non associative
x[sproduct_pri] := x[>sproduct_pri] ("*" x[>sproduct_pri])+

//$ Tuple type, right associative
x[spower_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "**" x[sprefixed_pri]

//$ Tuple type, left associative
x[spower_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "<**>" x[sprefixed_pri]

//$ Array type
x[ssuperscript_pri] := x[ssuperscript_pri] "^" x[srefr_pri]

The first three types are alternate ways to express a tuple type. The different forms are significant with polymorphism.

For example consider the following code which performs a lexicographic equality test on any tuple:

class Eq[T] { virtual fun == : T * T -> bool }

instance [T,U with Eq[T], Eq[U]] Eq[T ** U] {
  fun == : (T ** U) * (T ** U) -> bool =
  | (ah ,, at) , (bh ,, bt) => ah == bh and at == bt;

instance[T,U with Eq[T],Eq[U]] Eq[T*U] {
  fun == : (T * U) * (T * U) -> bool =
  | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1==x2 and y1 == y2

instance[t with Eq[T]] Eq[T*T] {
  fun == : (T * T) * (T * T) -> bool =
  | (x1,y1),(x2,y2) => x1==x2 and y1 == y2

This code uses polymorphic recursion via type class virtual function overloads to analyse a tuple like a list by using the tuple Cons operator **.

There are two ground cases given, the first one checks for a pair to terminate the recursion, the second is more specialised and checks for a pair of the same type, that is, an array of two elements.

Value Projections

x[scase_literal_pri] := "proj" sinteger "of" x[ssum_pri]

Projection functions for a given tuple type can be written. Projections are first class functions, like any other. The projection index must be a literal decimal integer between 0 and n-1, inclusive, where n is the number of components of the tuple.

var x = 1,"hello",42;
var p = proj 1 of (int * string * int);
println$ p x; // "hello"
println$ x.p; // "hello"

Pointer Projections

For every value projection, there is a corresponding pointer projection, represented as an overloaded function. That is, you can use the same syntax for projections on pointers as values.

var x = 1,"hello",42;
var p = proj 1 of &(int * string * int);
println$ *(p &x); // "hello"
println$ *(&x.p); // "hello"
println$ *(x&.p); // "hello"
var wop = proj 1 of &>(int * string * int);
&>x . wop <- "bye";
var rop = proj 1 of &<(int * string * int);
println$ *(&<x . rop);

Note the special sugar x&.p which is equivalent to &x.p.

It’s important to note that the application of projections to pointers as well as values solves a major problem in C++ by eliminating entirely any need for the concept of lvalues and reference types. Pointers are first class values and the calculus illustrated above forms a coherent algebra which cleanly distinguishes purely functional values, but, via pointers, provides the same algebraic model for imperative code.

The concept of a pointer cleanly distinguishes a value from a mutable object. In particular

  • all values are immutable, but
  • all products are mutable and their components separately mutable, if you can obtain a pointer to the value type.

There are three basic ways to do this:

  • store the value in a variable and takes its address, or,
  • copy the value onto the heap with operator new which returns a pointer.
  • Library functions can also provide pointers.

The fundamental calculus of projections is just ordinary functional calculus. This is the point! In particular composition of pointer projections is equivalent to adding the offsets of components in a nested product. For example:

var x = (1,(2,3));
var p1o = proj 1 of (&(int * int^2));
var p1i = proj 1 of (&(int^2));
var p = p1o \odot p1i; // reverse composition
println$ *(&x.p); // 3

The address calculations are purely functional and referentially transparent.

Projection Applications

There is a short cut syntax for applying a projection to a tuple, you can just apply an integer literal directly:

var x = 1,"hello",42;
println$ 0 x, x.1;

Note that since operator dot . just means reverse application, then x.1 is the same as 1 x.

Slice Value Projections

A slice with integer literal arguments can be applied to a tuple to construct a new tuple consisting of the components in range of the slice. The components selected are in the intersection of the given slice and a slice from 0 to the length of the tuple minus 1. No error is possible.

var x = 1,4.2,"hello",42u;
println$ x. Slice_all;       // (1, 4.2, hello, 42)
println$ x. (..);            // (1, 4.2, hello, 42)
println$ x. (1..);           //  (4.2, hello, 42)
println$ x. (..3);           // (1, 4.2, hello, 42)
println$ x. (1..3);          // (4.2, hello, 42)
println$ x. (1..<3);         // (4.2, hello)
println$ x. (1.+2);          // (4.2, hello)
println$ x. (3..0);          // ()
println$ x. Slice_none;      // ()
println$ x. (Slice_one 2);   // "hello"

Ties and Slice Pointer Projections

Felix has a generic operator _tie which takes a pointer to a structurally typed product and produces an isomorphic product type, where the type of each component becomes a pointer to the component type. This is called a tie:

var x = 1,4.2,"hello",42u;
var px = _tie &x; // a tuple of pointers
println$ *(px . 2); // hello

The same effect can be obtained for tuples, with a pointer slice:

var x = 1,4.2,"hello",42u;
var px = &x . (..); // a tuple of pointers
println$ *(px . 2); // hello

Of course, any slice can be used, and, it also works for read only and write only pointers.

[And should if the product is a compact linear type or array, neither of which is implemented as at 2018/08/25]

Reversed Tuple

For any tuple the generic operator _rev forms a tuple with the components in reversed order.

var x = 1,4.2,"hello",42u;
println$ _rev x; // (42, hello, 4.2, 1)

Tuple Patterns

//$ Tuple pattern match right associative
stuple_pattern := scoercive_pattern ("," scoercive_pattern )*

//$ Tuple pattern match non-associative
stuple_cons_pattern := stuple_pattern ",," stuple_cons_pattern

//$ Tuple pattern match left associative
stuple_cons_pattern := stuple_pattern "<,,>" stuple_cons_pattern

//$ Tuple projection function.
x[scase_literal_pri] := "proj" sinteger "of" x[ssum_pri]

Tuple patterns are an advanced kind of tuple accessor.

match 0,1,(2,3,(4,5,6),7,8) with
|  _,x1,(x2,_,(x4,,x56),,x78 =>
   // x1=1, x2=2, x4=4, x56=(5,6), x78=(7,8)

Tuple patterns are irrefutable, that is, they cannot fail to match if they type check, provided subcomponent matches are also irrefutable. For this reason they are often used in let form matches which only admit one branch syntactically:

let _,x1,(x2,_,(x4,,x56),,x78 =
   // x1=1, x2=2, x4=4, x56=(5,6), x78=(7,8)

If all the components of a tuple have the same type, then the tuple is called an array. Perhaps more precisely, a fixed length array where the length is fixed at compile time. The jargon farray is sometimes used to be specific about this kind of array.

An alternate more compact type annotation is available for arrays:

var x : int ^ 4 = 1,2,3,4;

In addition, arrays allow an expression for the shortcut form of projections applications, as well as decimal integer literals. Two types may be used for an array index:

var x : int ^ 4 = 1,2,3,4;
for i in 0..<4 perform println$ x.i;
println$ x.(`1:4);

The index of an array, in this case 4 is not an integer, it is a sum of 4 units, representing 4 cases. Therefore the correct projection should be of type 4, however Felix allows an integral type, which is coerced to type 4.

See the section on sum types for more information on unit sums.

Array Projections

Array projections are similar to non-array projections except that the projection index can be an expression. The keyword aproj must be used for an array projection, and the indexing type must be precisely the type of the array exponent.

var x = 1,2,3,4;
var n = `2:4; // index
var px = aproj n of (int ^ 4);
println$ x.px;

A direct application may also use a one of two shortcut forms:

var x = 1,2,3,4;
var n = `2:4;   // precise index
println$ x . n; // precise shortcut projection
var m = 2;      // integer index
println$ x . m; // checked shortcut

The integer form requires a run time bounds check.

Generalised Arrays

By virtue of the existence of compact linear types and coercions representing isomorphisms on them, Felix supports a notion of generalised arrays. In particular, the structure of an array does not have to be linear.

For example:

var x : (int ^ 3) ^ 2 = ((1,2,3),(4,5,6));
var y : int ^ (2 * 3) = x :>> (int ^ (2 * 3));
var z = x :>> (int ^ 6);
for i in 0..<2
  for j in 0..<3 do
    println$ x.i.j;
    println$ y.(i:>>2,j:>>3);
    println z.(i * 3 + j);

Note the unfortunate requirement to coerce the integer indices to the precisely correct type. [To be fixed]

In this example, x is an array of arrays, however y is a matrix: the index of the matrix is not a single linear value but rather, the index is a tuple.

The coercion used to convert type x to y is an isomorphism. Underneath in both cases we have a linear array of 6 elements, z.

The coercions on the arrays above are called reshaping operations. They are casts which reconsider, or reinterpret the underlying linear array as a different type.

Note: in the matrix form, Felix has chosen the indexing tuple to be of type 2 * 3 so that a reverse application can be thought of as first selecting one of the two subarrays, then selecting one of the three elements. In other words, you write the i and j indices in the array of arrays form and matrix form in the same order when using reverse application. However the order differs if you use forward application:

for i in 0..<2
  for j in 0..<3 do
    println$ j (i x);
    println$ (i:>>2,j:>>3) y;

The choice of ordering is arbitrary and confused by the fact that numbers are written in big-endian form which tuple indices are written in little-endian form. The use of big-endian numbers is unnatural in western culture where script is written from left to right, we should be using little-endian. However our number system is derived from tha Arabic, which is written right to left, so in that script, numbers put the least significant digits first.

Consequently there is a natural ordering conflict, since our numbers are backwards from our ordering of array elements. Take care with, for example, square matrices where the type system cannot detect an incorrect ordering. Take evem more care with coercions, since they override the type system!

Polyadic Array Handling

Because of the reshaping isomorphisms, it is possible to write a single rank independent routine which performs some action on a linear array which can be applied to an array of any shape. All you need to do is coerce the generalised array argument to a suitable isomorphic linear form, apply the routine, and cast the resulting linear array back.

For more details please see Compact Linear Type.