Anonymous Sum Types

Sum types are a positionally accessed structural type dual to tuples. They’re used like this:

typedef integ = short + int + long;
fun show (x:integ) =>
  match x with
  | `0 s => "short="+ s.str
  | `1 i => "int="+ i.str
  | `2 l => "long="+ l.str
var x = `1:integ 42;
println$ "Value " + show x;

With sums, the cases are numbered from 0 up. To specify a value, the constructor index, sum type, and any argument must be given.


A special case of sum types is a sum of units. Recall the type of an empty tuple is designated as 1 or unit. Then a unit sum has a type like this:

typedef three = unit + unit + int;
typedef three = 1 + 1 + 1;
typedef three = 3;

All these forms are equivalent. An integer given as a type is takens to be a sum of that many units.

Apart from 1, which is a unit sum of 1 unit, there are two other important unit sums named in the library:

typedef void = 0;
typedef bool = 2;

The type void is a type with no values. The type bool is a type with two values. The names false and true are synonyms for `0:2 and `1:2.

Unit sums are important because they’re used as array indices. For example an array of 4 ints has the type

int ^ 4

The 4 there is not an integer, but the type 4.

Sum types are not used very often because remembering cases by number is hard.