Polymorphic Variants

Polymorphic variants are a kind of open union type. A value is formed by using a globally unique name preceded by a backquote character and followed by a value:

`Some 42;

This variant has the type

`Some of int

A polymorphic variant type is given by a set of unique constructor names and types:

typedef option[T] = (
  | `Some of int
  | `None

and such types obey both width and depth subtyping rules.

Width subtyping says that a type A with a subset of the constructors of a type P is a subtype of P, depth subtyping extends the rule to also allow the arguments of A’s constructors to be subtypes of those of P. In other words, subtyping is covariant.

Felix applies subtyping rules automatically when applying a function or procedure to a value:

proc show[T with Str[T]] (a: option[T]) {
   match a with
   | `Some v => println$ "Some " + v.str;
   | `None => println$ "None"
show (`Some 42);

However a coercion is required for assigments, including initialisations:

var x = `Some 42 :>> option[int];

Since pattern variables are also set by initialisation, a special form of pattern is required to specify the variable type: because you can consider a pattern an “inside-out” form of code, the pattern is written as a backwards coercion, with the type first. This is illustrated in the next example.

Polymorphic variants are weaker than unions in that they offer less safety guarantees because the set of constructors and their arguments are open. However this allows extremely powerful but reasonably well constrainted extension models, demonstrated in the example below which uses the technique known as open recursion:

typedef addable' [T] = (
 | `Val of int
 | `Add of T * T

fun show'[T] (show: T->string) (x: addable'[T]) =>
 match x with
 | `Val q => "Val " + q._strr
 | `Add (a,b) => show a + " + " + show b

typedef addable = addable'[addable];
fun show(x:addable): string => show' show x;

var x = `Add (`Val 1, `Val 2);
println$ show x;

typedef subable' [T] = (
| addable'[T]
| `Sub of T * T

fun show2'[T] (show2: T->string) (x:subable'[T]) =>
  match x with
  | `Sub (a,b) => show2 a + " - " + show2 b
  | (addable'[T] :>> y) => show'[T] show2 y

typedef subable = subable'[subable];
fun show2 (x:subable): string => show2' show2 x;

var y = `Add (`Sub (`Val 1, `Val 2), `Val 3);
println$ show2 x; // <============
println$ show2 y;

In this example we define first a type of expression which allows just values and addition. We provide a function to show such expressions as a string. We do this by first providing a type with an unspecified parameter, and then use a fixpoint operation (self-reference) to bind the parameter to the type. The pattern for the function is similar: we first provide an open function which takes an argument function to show the value of the type of the parameter, and then fix the function to just addable types by applying the function to itself.

Then, to extend the system to work with subtraction as well, we define a new type by adding a subtraction term to the open form of the addition term, and then again fixate the type. Similarly, the open form of the show function handles the new subtraction term itself but delegates to the open form of the function handling addition. Then we fixate that function by applying it to itself to obtain a closed function.

The power of this method is seen in the line indication with a commented arrow: the closed show2 function which works with expressions containing subtractions also works with the older, legacy expressions containing only addition.

It works because of covariant subtyping: the closed terms with addition are subtypes of the closed terms that also include subtraction.

The vital importance of this technique cannot be overstated. Unlike object orientation, which requires methods to have contravariant argument types, open recursion is covariant. It therefore supports Meyer’s Open/Closed principle whilst, despite his intentions, object orientation does not.